Any Business Can Benefit From A Web Prescence

Any Business Can Benefit From A Web Prescence

Tips To Make A Backyard Camping Experience A Success For Your Teenager And Their Friends

Abigail Berry

If a couple of your teenager's friends will be spending the night at your house this summer so that the group of youngsters can camp out with your child in a tent in your yard, the following ideas will help make the informal gathering a success for everyone.

Create A Sitting Area And Hang Lanterns

Purchase canopy and erect it next to the tent. Place a small patio table and group of chairs under the canopy so that the kids can sit down while enjoying the outdoor weather. Hang colorful paper lanterns that are battery-operated from the edges of the canopy. The lanterns will allow the kids to spend time outside of the tent once it gets dark out and will provide the camping area with a festive appearance. Provide a portable radio and stack of books for everyone to enjoy while utilizing the sitting area. 

Set Up A Frozen Yogurt Decorating Station

Purchase several gallons of frozen yogurt and store them in your freezer until right before you are ready to serve them. Buy paper cups, color changing spoons, sprinkles, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and candy pieces. Create a yogurt decorating station outdoors by placing the gallons of yogurt on one end of a picnic table and arranging the cups, spoons, and toppings next to the yogurt. Place the toppings in bowls so that they are easy to access and provide large spoons for the children to use while adding toppings to their yogurt. 

After dinner is served, announce to your child and their friends that they are welcome to help themselves to the frozen yogurt and encourage everyone to add toppings to the flavor of yogurt that they have chosen. While sitting in the tent or sitting under the canopy, the kids will remain cool and comfortable as they enjoy the delicious treats that they have prepared. 

Contact a company like Color Change Spoon to learn more.

Offer A Telescope And Night Vision Goggles

If you own a telescope, show the group of teenagers how to use it and point out different constellations in the sky. Purchase a few sets of inexpensive night vision goggles and give one set of goggles to each kid. The teenagers may be shocked and excited when they learn they are able to see objects in the yard while it is dark. If the kids decide to play hide and seek or if you would like to prepare a scavenger hunt for them during the night, the goggles will prove useful and can make each game more enjoyable. 


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Any Business Can Benefit From A Web Prescence

I'm Tom Doberstein. I have to make a confession: I am absolutely addicted to social media. And that has been an excellent thing for me because this addiction has helped me become an expert in social media marketing. I never meant to become an expert in this subject, but I just couldn't help but strike up conversations with some of my favorite brands. Some of the conversations I have had with my favorite brands through social media have been very entertaining and have made me develop an interest in the ways that businesses can use social media and other Internet tools to promote their businesses.
